Broadway and 116th


SIPA is given a limited allocation of housing units for full time students by the Columbia Residential Housing Office. 

Priority is given to new incoming students (who have paid their admissions deposit), students who do hot have a credit history in the United States, and who have submitted their application early.

Housing is therefore not guaranteed and students should be prepared to consider alternatives to University Housing.

Columbia Residential University Housing

Students who are interested in Columbia University Housing are urged to review detailed housing information, and to apply for housing via the online application process, at the Columbia Residential website.

Housing approvals will be made on an ongoing basis until June 30, as listed on the Columbia Residential timeline. If by June 30 you have not heard back, you might still be able to receive a housing offer through the wait list, which opens July 15.

You should also review the information on their website to find answers to most of your questions: deadlines, coordination for requesting specific roommates, revising move-in dates, questions about payments, etc.

If you have questions concerning housing assignments, policies, and procedures you should contact Columbia Residential directly. The Housing office is located at 401 W. 119th Street (between Amsterdam Ave. and Morningside Drive) and may be reached by telephone at 212-854-9300 or email [email protected].

Please remember that housing is not guaranteed, and you should be prepared to consider alternatives to University Housing.

Off-Campus Housing Assistance Office (OCHA)

The Columbia Off-Campus Housing Assistance Office (OCHA) is an important resource for finding non-university housing near campus or in other parts of the city. Please visit the Off-Campus Housing Assistance Office to learn about its services (including online apartment listings for rentals and sublets).

Other Housing-Related Resources

Students may apply to International House through Columbia Residential OR DIRECTLY if they are interested in obtaining accommodation there. Please visit the I-House website for more information.